Tag: Maths

Paper Airplane and Measurement

LI: To design and make a paper plane that will fly the furthest.

Our team challenge was to see how far our planes we created. We analysed our data of the paper air planes we flew. The planes my group designed were a missile, fighter jet, dart, ballista & deltry. My group designed multiple planes to verify which of the planes flew the best. The plane that went the furthest was the fighter jet. Lastly we versed group by group and measured the flight distance accurately. 

Something that my group could improve  with our plane is to learn how the plane works and how we can work on how we can make it go the furthest. 

I found this task fun and intresting because I learnt about diffrent planes that can flow in the air and can go the furthest. 


RFE Statistical investigation

LI : to conduct a statistical investigation about reading for enjoyment

Strengthen & understanding of words.

Reading for enjoyment is growing your word knoweledge. We challenged our self to have the word of knowledge to give identity on how reading for enjoyment works . Our class has been recording the times we have read exaple ( reading for 12 mintes) Then adding it to the google form to show how many minutes we have read . Today I have read for about 70 mintues of reading . I was enjoying the book as I skiped each page , It showed how much I really enjoyed the book . I learnt so much about the book called ( David the boy in the dress ) . Reading contact the past and brings the intresting parts in the book . To find out more about my book it’s called David the boy in the dress .

The gragh shows the minutes I have been doing for the past 2 weeks as you can see . Ive read in the holidays the weekends also on the school days witch contracts my learning and knowledge .

Knowledge of words is haveing the the power to exchange more learning you can ever infer.

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